Our top tips for summer
Invest in your outdoor space
With 76% of consumers likely to visit a venue with outdoor seating within a month of re-opening* and plenty of insight to suggest that even in the winter 75% of consumers said they are happy to eat and drink in a heated outdoor seating area** now is the time to really invest in your outdoor space.
**CGA, Consumer Countdown to Reopening Series
**Mintel Eating Out Review inc. Impact of COVID-19, December 2020 (Data book
Refine your menu
77% of consumers are happy to visit a restaurant with a limited menu, however, a significant proportion are still looking for new flavours and foods. Over two thirds would pay more for dishes that are difficult to make at home and over half would pay more for ethically sourced ingredients. Indicating it’s quality over quantity for most consumers so creating innovative and unique quality menu options can really set your business apart this summer.
Source: Mintel Menu Trends 2021 Report
Embrace occasions to celebrate
With 82% of consumers tending to visit restaurants or takeaways to celebrate special occasions, and sporting events likely to encourage social eating and drinking, there are plenty of occasions for you to celebrate this summer.
Source: Mintel Menu Trends report, January 2021
Click here for a link to foodie days and sporting events you could tap into this summer
Update your no or low alcohol drinks menu
Almost a third (31%) of UK consumers plan on drinking less, or no alcohol when they return to the out-of-home market, compared to what they drank pre-covid. Knowing this and with the great innovation in the low and no alcohol drinks market over the last year, there is really no excuse for having an uninspiring drinks menu this summer.
Source: CGA, Consumer Countdown to Reopening Series 2
Offer more vegan options
The flexitarian trend appears to be rising, particularly among under 35s and with over a third of UK consumers (36%) having limited their meat consumption in the last 6 months, and almost a quarter (23%) of 16-34s interested in reducing it in future, it really is the time to give vegan more focus on your menus.
Source: Mintel Menu Trends, UK, January 2021
Look at ways to be more sustainable
With 25% of UK consumers stating that the environment was a higher priority for them since the COVID-19 outbreak* and 44% actively looking for information about sustainability** it really highlights it’s importance in consumers’ minds when making purchasing decisions.
*Mintel Fruit Juice, Juice Drinks & Smoothies report, UK, January 2021
**Lumina Intelligence Menu and Food Trends December 2020