
Date posted: 31/12/2020

Big Al’s Hereford Succulence

Make those jaws drop with the Big Al’s Hereford 6oz burger, paired with sautéed onions gives the most juiciest eat, add some spicy rocket, melted mozzarella and steak sauce to bring out that meaty flavour

    Votes: 2 Average: 5


    6” brioche bun
    Everyday Favourites mayonnaise 15g
    Fresh rocket 20g
    Hereford Burger
    Mozzarella 20g
    Sautéed onions 35g
    Steak sauce 15g


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    1. Lightly toast the brioche bun
    2. Layer with mayo
    3. Bed the bun with rocket
    4. Remove the Big Al’s Hereford 6oz burger from it’s packaging and place on a hot plate or skillet
    5. Cook as follows: On hotplate/skillet for 8.5-10.5 mins or until a core temperature of 75°C is reached
    6. Melt mozzarella on the burger then place on bed of rocket
    7. Top with sauteed onions
    8. Dress the top bun with steak sauce
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