by Michaela Bateman

WE’RE OPEN FOR TAKEAWAY – Top 5 products you will need for your takeaway

WE’RE OPEN FOR TAKEAWAY – Top 5 products you will need for your takeaway

2020 really was the year for takeaways, the delivery market was already growing pre the pandemic but now it has become even bigger and more important to hospitality operators than ever before.

We are also seeing consumer habits changing around takeaways and 2021 will be the year we see the growth in not just takeaway dinner but also breakfast and lunch. Many are now working from home permanently but still wanting that occasional breakfast or lunch treat they would have had when in the office.*

So, what are the essentials you will need for making takeaway an experience consumers will keep on coming back for? Do what you do best, your takeaway menu should feature your trusted best sellers that are quick to prepare and we have picked out 5 essentials to make your takeaway experience a success!

1. Hot deli deluxe packaging

Use packaging that is suitable for the food you are serving ensuring it keeps food warm and well-presented during transit, but also ensure it looks good and helps deliver an experience. Our Hot Deli Deluxe Packaging range does just that, with secure leakproof clear lids and stylish grey base, available now also in a round style.

2. Smalls and sides

We all love a side dish! Our new PP Deli Pots are a great option to use as they are usable for hot food but can also be put in the microwave perfect for any leftovers! The lids are also leak resistant ensuring no sauce leaks.

3. Hot drink cups

We are a nation of coffee lovers and takeway coffee is something we can still enjoy on our walks! We have a large range of both double wall and single wall coffee cups to choose from including compostable cups. Remember to offer a coffee cup sleeve if you are using single wall cups making sure hands don’t get too hot!

4. Paper bags

Don’t forget to deliver your food in bags, another great way to ensure the experience is as contact free as possible and convenient for the consumer receiving their food in one contained bag. Why not opt for this American style bottomless bag giving that edge consumers are looking for!

5. Napkins and cutlery

Adding that extra touch is so important when creating the full takeaway experience, after all we all want a hassle free meal where everything is provided, so why don’t you add some custom print napkins with your logo and cutlery, making it extra special.


These are just some of the steps we recommend but why not take a look at our guide: Helping you with…Takeaways – the Essential Guidewhere you can find more product solutions by meal occasion.


*12 key delivery food trends for 2021, Foodservice News, 08 January 2021

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