Talking about making the journey to net-zero carbon emissions – Part 2
Following on from our previous episode, we talk to Anne Simonnet, Head of Sustainability & Compliance at Foodbuy.

Following on from our previous episode, we talk to Anne Simonnet, Head of Sustainability & Compliance at Foodbuy.
Anne has been grappling with the complications, challenges and realities of setting baselines, understanding where Foodbuy’s emissions come from, looking at the best ways of reducing them and putting all that together into a plan. Anne also shares with us her top tips and advice on how other businesses can go about building their carbon reduction own plan.
To learn more about Foodbuy and their net zero commitment: https://www.foodbuy.co.uk/sustainability/
To read Foodbuy’s Carbon Reduction Plan: https://www.foodbuy.co.uk/media/2172/foodbuy-carbon-reduction-plan-july-2022.pdf