Photo caption from left to right: Nick Sullivan, Head of Free Trade Sales at Bidfood in Chepstow, Pauline Tolley, Margaret Jones and Jenny James from Cwrt Enfys.
Last week, Bidfood in Chepstow visited Cwrt Enfys Care Home in Swansea, to help develop their in-house dining experience. The Bidfood team commissioned a survey at Cwrt Enfys to look into how important the care home food offering is to the residents to help support the care home in tailoring their dining experience to better suit their diners’ needs. The purpose of the day was to find out more about how the residents of Cwrt Enfys felt about their current food offering to allow Bidfood to guide the care home on ways that they could design their menus to fulfil all needs of the residents, as well as overcome any challenges that they face. Cwrt Enfys is part of the wider SilverCrest Care Home group, a Welsh owned and run organisation, that provide the residential care in a happy and safe environment. They are all about establishing vibrant communities in the localities they serve, and pride themselves in a care home life that is rich in variety, enjoyment and run by experienced professionals. Talking about the day, Nick Sullivan, Head of Free Trade Sales at Bidfood in Chepstow said: “Our job was made easy as the residents could not have been more complimentary about their chef, Lisa and her team. “The day was a great success for all involved! We met a number of wonderful people, and thoroughly enjoyed our time getting to know them. “We were so touched by the beautiful poem that one of the residents read to us on the day, so much so that we plan to use it in our sales meeting later this month. “We are delighted to be a foodservice partner working with SilverCrest and look forward to continuing to do so in the future.” Not only did the Bidfood team conduct this survey to help guide the care home in how they can better their service offering, but they also volunteered their time to spend with the elderly residents and make their day extra special. The team brought some delicious handmade cakes for people living there to enjoy, along with a selection of new products, including tea infusions and soft drinks. They also hosted a raffle with a range of prizes for those who took part in the survey. Lindsey Davies, Care Home Manager at Cwrt Enfys discussing her thoughts on the day: “It was an absolute pleasure to welcome Bidfood into the home for the day, educating both staff and residents on the importance of hydration and the dining experience. “Companies often lose sight of the people they deal with in business and as we are a company dedicated to the service of others, it's great to work with another company who take the time to connect and engage with their end point customers, our residents.”