
Date posted: 23/02/2018

Ardo carrot and parsnip soup with ginger

  • Serves 4
  • Timing: 45 mins
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Parsnips 200g
Carrots 200g
Ardo frozen diced ginger 2 tbsps
Ardo frozen shallots 50g
Ardo frozen diced chilli ½ tsp
Sunflower oil 10ml
Double cream 50ml
Salt, pepper, nutmeg to taste


  1. Boil the parsnips and the carrots in 500ml salted water until softened.
  2. Meanwhile, sauté the shallots, chilli and ginger in a large separate pot with the oil until translucent.
  3. Add the fully cooked carrots, parsnips and the cooking water to the shallots and blend until smooth using a hand blender. Season to taste with salt, pepper and nutmeg, bring to boil again and mix in the double cream.
  4. Portion the soup into four bowls or cups and serve.
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