by Rheanon Wight

Making impact: my apprenticeship with Bidfood

Making impact: my apprenticeship with Bidfood

My name is Rheanon Wight; I’m 23 years old currently studying the Health and Safety Environmental Technician Apprenticeship alongside working with Bidfood.

During my school years, I could never be certain of what I actually wanted to achieve or do in my career life, I used to find it terribly frustrating as it always felt like my peers around me knew exactly what they wanted for their future, and there was me… clueless.

Later on I was fortunate enough to be offered a position to work and train in the Site Excellence world of Bidfood. This role involves health and safety, food safety, fire safety, environmental and sustainability considerations.

This role is something I would have never imagined I would get in to, or even enjoy, however since I began this role with Bidfood, I have come to appreciate the variety and the diversity of the job I do.

Bidfood took me on without any previous experience in this specialist role; at first it was very daunting as I was working with my manager who has extensive knowledge of the company and the role in Site Excellence. The apprenticeship is allowing me to gain further knowledge, further skills and of course an industry recognised qualification all whilst earning… the financial independence this gives me is brilliant. The management team at Bidfood have invested in me and have been very supportive, ensuring I always have time to complete my apprenticeship and allowing me to work at a pace that suits me extremely well.

The role in Site Excellence is thoroughly enjoyable because it is completely different each day. It has taken a while for me to grasp all of the tasks and expectations that I am expected to fulfil, however having the apprenticeship alongside the role at Bidfood has really changed my perspective; I’ve also been able to share a new fresh perspective on ways of working within the team.

Not to mention, the management team at Bidfood have invested in me and have been very supportive, ensuring I always have time to complete my apprenticeship and allowing me to work at a pace that suits me extremely well. I can now very confidently say that the apprenticeship has been absolutely the best avenue for me to go down, especially as I am someone who loves to be hands on!

This is the final blog of a three part series, celebrating National Apprenticeship week.

  1. Read the first blog of the series here
  2. Read the second blog here
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