by Emily Butler

How to cater for diabetes in the care sector

How to cater for diabetes in the care sector
Within the care sector, there are lots of challenges and complexities to consider when catering for all your residents. Consistently creating nutritious and delicious meals tailored to residents’ individual needs is challenging, especially when you are juggling time, budgets, stock levels and the skill level of your staff.

Let us help you cater with confidence.


  1. What is Caterers Campus
  2. How does Caterers Campus work
  3. Diabetes awareness week
  4. Upcoming support for catering for diabetes


What is Caterers Campus?

Caterers Campus is an online learning platform here at Bidfood that will help your teams learn key skills, enabling them to better cater for your residents. On Caterers Campus, we have developed a variety of courses from Dysphagia to menu planning – all designed to help you and your care home thrive.

Here are some of our courses:

  • Fortification
  • Dementia
  • Hydration
  • Costing

& more


How does Caterers Campus work?

The bite size modules are fun, interactive and knowledge is checked on completion of each module. If you do not pass it straight away, you can simply re-do the module!

If you want to sign up to our free e-learning platform, simply get in touch with your account manager and we can sort the rest.


Diabetes Awareness Week

Diabetes Awareness week runs each June and is designed to help bring awareness to the condition that affects so many people. With 1 in 14 of us dealing with Diabetes, it is crucial to educate ourselves to help understand it and how to cater for it properly.

Diabetes is especially prevalent within the Care Sector. With this in mind, we have developed a brand new module in Caterers Campus: ‘Diabetes: understanding carbohydrates and blood sugar.’

The latest course delves deep into understanding symptoms, risks, considerations, style of diets, menu suggestions and how to cater for it within your Care home.

The course is around 80 minutes, filled with interactive tasks and engaging videos. It offers you an excellent module to bring your team up to speed on all things diabetes within the Care sector.

This course also starts from the basics to ensure you gain a full circle and deep understanding of catering for Diabetes.


Upcoming Support for Catering For Diabetes

To continue adding support and value to understanding Diabetes within the Care Sector, we have so many exciting projects in the works!

Wayne Wright, our Innovation Chef has developed a fantastic menu with a bold Mediterranean twist! All the dishes are full of flavour, ingredients and are suitable inspiration for both type 1 and type 2 diabetes diets.

The dishes are also unique in the fact they do not include your ‘typical’ dishes, or perhaps dishes you would expect when you think of Diabetes… for example, there is a silky chocolate mousse and even a quiche!

Here is a sneak peak of one of our dishes…. Baked eggs with toasted sour dough… I can confirm, it tastes just as good as it looks!


diabetes recipe


Not only do we have this new menu cycle coming soon, we also have an inspiration brochure, podcast and more!

To keep up to date with our support, simply follow us on social media or keep an eye out for updates on our Care Sector page.


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Care home food supplier Create joyful resident meal times

As an experienced supplier to care, we have a team of experts who fully understand your challenges. With a specialist product range, menu innovation, unique support and tools, we will help you cater with confidence.

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