by David King

3 key ways to generate revenue through lockdown

3 key ways to generate revenue through lockdown

2021 hasn’t quite brought the promise of better times for the industry, but there is hope on the horizon! Dropping infection rates, the continuing roll out of the vaccine and the end of January are all things to be positive about.

We appreciate these things aren’t currently supporting your bottom line though so we’re here to help you through this lockdown and beyond. Generating an income in this climate is tough, and your options to do this are quite limited, however… there are still some options! Take a read of our 3 key ways to generate revenue through lockdown below:

1. Drive your take-away offer!

The UK delivery market is up 8% year on year which has been hugely boosted by lockdown.1 Focussing on driving your take-away menu is a no brainer (you don’t need me to say that), but really look at what part of your offer is working and what parts need refinement or changing altogether. Make sure your menu is efficient and delicious, review your top sellers and be sure to shout about your menu on social media!

If you’re up for trying something different why not trial themed nights and showcase popular cuisines to make each evening an occasion your customers want every week.

And don’t be afraid to upsell! Upselling is a great way to increase spend per head and drive the profitability of the decreased traffic you may be experiencing. Turning single item purchases like coffees, or individual pizzas into meals with drinks, pastries and desserts is a great way to do this.

2. Try out something different

Now is the time to experiment…the risk is low and why not use the opportunity to try out some of your more risky business ideas and see what sticks!

Something that has really seen a rise over lockdown is monthly coffee subscriptions. Big brands like Pact, Kiss the Hippo and Caravan have all ventured into offering monthly packages for their customers to order, and they’re going down great. Why not try this with your own coffee and see if you can spread the reach of your coffee even further.

Meal kits of all types have also been popping up through lockdown, with big brands like Hello Fresh seeing their profits double over 2020 and restaurants like Dishoom venturing into the market with great feedback following.2 Can you create your own cook along theme nights for your customers to cook to as a fun treat, delivered directly to their doors.

3. Changing spaces

Opportunities come in all shapes and sizes, and one thing really growing through the pandemic is the rise of dark kitchens. Also known as cloud kitchens these operate as satellite kitchens offering branded or specialised take-away to their local areas. Is a venture into operating your own dark kitchen an opportunity prime for your taking…or is it a step too far?!



  • 1Statista – 2020
  • 2Financial Times – 2020
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